For the record, the following will all become null and void once teleportation is perfected.
Transportation is a topic that piques my interest because every person every morning is faced with the decision of what we will do once we step outside the door. Unless we happen to be bed-ridden or have the luxury of living in a retirement community, this is an unavoidable process that has high costs associated with maintaining the status quo or choosing to use a different system - whether in time, energy, or money. But rather than operating with a system that reduces these costs (isn't this what we're all about in growthland?), we have opted for an automobile dependent society which seems to come with the high costs in all three of those categories. And rather than create a system that is more resilient to changing needs, habits, and desires -a resilient system- we have chosen one that requires massive inputs on (what feels like on commutes up the road through construction sites) a never-ending basis.
Unfortunately the transportation problem does not exist in a vacuum and has ramifications for other areas of our lives: our cities' infrastructures, our health, and our sanity. One obvious consideration few make when discussing transportation are the lives that are lost on a regular basis because this system has too much room for error. In 2005, there were over 43,000 deaths associated with traffic accidents and over 2,700,000 injuries (according to Aaron Golub, the transportation expert at Arizona State University). We have so much to lose from this system but we have invested so much into it already. So how do we move away from personal vehicles? Given that we probably won't be pulling up this major infrastructure in the next few years (as much as I love getting to use my jackhammer) we must retrofit our systems to reduce automobile use and encourage alternatives.
When attempting to discourage automobile use, road pricing depending on current capacity has been used in Singapore since the 1970's to reduce automobile use as one leg of a comprehensive transportation plan. Roseland mentions a town in Germany that has banned automobiles altogether (and so does the New York Times). -Although this weekend I was told by a relative that he heard they were going to test this idea in a town in the U.S. I tried to contain my excitement as this was not alright by him. "What if I wanted to drive to Kentucky?" Fortunately for us, not many do. har har. Critical Mass is another movement with which I'm sure most are familiar. Bicycles turn out to overpower automobiles on the road.
Unfortunately, this also helps to raise animosity between bicyclists and drivers, and bicyclists and police officers. Residents in Portland are also trying to defeat the automobile by opposing freeway installments.
While all of these measures are helpful in striding toward the reduction of automobile use, it is important that educational measures are provided in tandem with these movements. Change is difficult for people, especially when asked to change something that affects their daily lives. A new lightrail was just installed in Phoenix and it was incredible how many were opposed to it for trivial, short-sighted reasons, yet many of these same people were outwardly excited when discussing their first time taking the rail downtown.
Whether in conversation, marketing, or presentations it is important to stress how much we are at a loss by depending on automobiles and how change needs to be demanded by those living in suburbs and on the outskirts if we want to see the system altered. Those dependent on automobiles aren't the enemy in this situation, but are also the victims and need to be treated as such if we expect them to come on board. They too are getting fat, have relatives who have died in car accidents, have increased rates of asthma, pay too much for insurance, repairs, and their lease, and are slowly going crazy from sitting in traffic all day. We need to direct them toward the realization that this doesn't have to be a necessary evil in their lives, but can be changed by demanding a new system or a series of systems that supports their needs and desires.