Sunday, November 7, 2010

Do the meek inherit the galaxy?

This is a short, easy read article that came out recently after the whale attack at Sea World. It's one I frequently re-read (I've got a terrible short term memory).

I find it to be a fascinating perspective on what it means to be intelligent life and the context of humanity on this planet and in the universe. We might not be an anomaly afterall, but merely a standard blip on the universe's radar.

After reading pieces like this it is also frightening to me that we still treat the other forms of intelligent life so poorly (and also unintelligent but we won't get into that now). Given that dolphins and primates have the intelligence and emotional capabilities equivalent to that of human toddlers and greater, it boggles my mind and saddens me that we haven't done more to protect them from humans (from those we see in The Cove to those who shell out the benjamins to swim alongside them at aquariums). But in the end they might be the ones who come out ahead, as the recklessness and destruction we exhibit toward them and the rest of the planet ultimately brings about our demise.

And now, one of my favorite songs to stave off the depression that ultimately comes with these conversations...


  1. Perhaps we are living out the normal life cycle of planets that support life and they all have to go through the process of eliminating species that get too big for their ecosystems.
